Sunday, October 12, 2008

Packing Party

Today was a busy day for the local team members of the October Halos Medical Mission team. It started with commissioning at Messiah Lutheran Church. We were blessed to have a young Haitian man say a prayer of blessing over us and recite the Lord's prayer in Creole as we'd prayed it in English. Then we were off to the Varner farm to unload all the donations and pack them up for our trip! God heard our call for hurricane relief as donations of food came pouring in! We are unable to bring all of the food this time, but we are able to take 850# of food this time. Please praise God for the generosity of others. It was a beautiful Michigan day for packing up. This is an amazing team that helped pack with smiles on their faces and joy in their hearts! This packing helped to fuel the fire of excitement to get going and get serving!! Here are some pictures from today. . .

18 gallon tubs full of food and ready to go!
Duffel bags full of medical clinic supplies and ready to go!

Food left behind . . . waiting for the January mission team.

Haleigh's school (Jefferson Intermediate) donated a suburban full of food for this mission. We even got a food processor!

Almost done packing the medical bags!

Here's the weighing team! Every bag and tub has to be weighed. They cannot weigh over 50# each. This team did an awesome job of redistributing.

Unloading what was donated . . . (sorry, these pics are in reverse order :-) )

Medical supplies and medications.

God has surely blessed this mission!!

Where do we begin?
Actually, we have this packing business down to a science! It did not take very long.

Getting started!


megan haug said...

oh my goodness!! just looking at the pictures makes me feel a bit overwhelmed!! :) but i'm so excited you guys are coming...and bringing all that food!

Traci said...

Hi Team. You are doing a wonderful thing. God is looking down on each of you saying "well done good and faithful servant, well done!" God bless all of you.

Please tell Joslyn her family is well, we saw them at church on Sunday.


dawnie said...

I am so proud and happy to see my sis(DebL) helping and I cant even imagine what they are going through. My bad days are notihng compared to what they go through each day!!!GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!