Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thursday- Tap Tap

Our morning started with patients lining up at 5:00 am. There were many outside the gate as we sat on the roof drinking our wake me up coffee. There were 80 tickets given out but we were over 94. One man was seen last week by a dentist and came in to be seen carrying his Rx that he never filled because he could not afford it. His left jaw was extremely swollen and he was in pain. We were able to provide him the proper medication and send him on his way. Our burn patient did not show up again today so we pray that he has gone to the hospital for care.

Several of the sponsored children at Three Angels Academy had care packages from the US. Kate and Kevin handed them out and took pictures for their sponsor families. Chris actually had a patient come in that he seen in 2008. She brought back her red folder with his documentation from this visit. She even remembered him, but who could forget him……..”wo”

We finished the clinic at 4:30 and piled into our Tap Tap. Off to the Epi-dor to eat. We held on tight to Melinda and Jack as we went up the hill in the Tap Tap. One man tried to get in with us and took one look inside and left. It was a great ride. Once there we placed our Mac Epi order. Three Angels Haitian Medical staffed joined us and we had wonderful dinner. Our ride home was another adventure for another day.

We are sad to have to think about going home on Saturday. How did the week go by so fast? How has Haiti effected our lives? We have many questions to answer and there are many ways to continue to serve once we get home. We give all glory to God in Haiti or the USA.

1 comment:

Luann said...

Your day's sound filled with adventure, touching stories and gods work. Happy to hear all is going well and continue to pray for you all,the hatians and your safe return. Much Love, Luann