Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Je Suis Un Pumplemousse

Up and at’em! Off to the clinic on a beautiful sunny day. The patients gathered early in the morning and had their praise and worship time. Then the patients kept coming and coming and coming
This wonderful team kept them entertained as they waited to see a provider. There was drumming, hand jive, dancing, Yoga, acrobatics and just plain laughter. What a blessing. You have to wonder how Americans would react if they had to sit all day and wait to be seen.
Our burn patient came back for his dressing change. The area looks good and is not infected. We pray for a restful night for him.

We had visitors today, Kim Taylor from Michigan and our Haitian friend Francios. Later this evening another friend Bellefleur stopped by and was given a “Proclaimer” to share Gods word with his church.

As the afternoon continues and the pile of charts grew we realized that our patients were magically multiplying. The team kept their smiles on and plugged away. We finished at 5:30 just in time for Marsha’s mystery meal which was delicious.

The afternoon was preoccupied by restocking, observing the providers, sorting shoes, and counting medications. Melinda and Alex repeated their class and it was refreshing to see how the waiting patients were interested in what she was teaching. They watched and smiled as she demonstrated exactly how to brush your teeth. There was a lady sitting in the corner with the biggest smile- but she was missing all of her teeth.

Chris lead the devotion tonight. We practiced Creole and found out some interesting facts about Chris and his education. He took 4 years of French in College and all that he can remember is “Je Suis Un Pumplemousse” which is I am a grapefruit. We are so proud.

Tomorrow we get to go to a Haitian Home Depot to buy razor wire! We are excited. We did get to meet the 3 new orphans today. Can we say “Bell” which means beautiful! They are all simply beautiful. Tomorrow we will also stop by the orphanage on our way to view the new property on our outing. The nannies are very excited to have us visit.

Our thoughts for the day:

*Don’t take the little things for granted
*Je Suis Un Pumplemousse
*We are all Gods children
*Even in Haiti white girls can’t dance



Unknown said...

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it! I'm rejoicing with you all today for all the good things, big and little, that He gives us. Love to you all; thanks for sharing your adventure! Lori

Sophia said...

Hi Grammy, I love all the pictures (especially you with the kids)! I've been praying for you every night and I hope you're having fun!


P.S. Try to get a picture of you with some animals!

Harry said...

Hi Grammy,
I was wondering if they play basketball in Haiti. Alec and my team is tied for second place! Did you know the Detroit Tigers beat the Yankees?! My mom said you probably don't get SportsCenter there. I liked the picture of you in the back of the pick up truck. It reminded me of when you drove us in Michigan in Pop's truck. We keep praying that you are safe and healthy! From, Harry