Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wonderful Wednesdays


We started our morning on Haitian time. We were notified that our ride would be late and we sat waiting as the driver sat waiting in the driveway while someone was cleaning out the van. Flexibility is the key. While we were waiting Linda gave us yoga lessons and we tried to pretend how flexible we were. We were finally off to the clinic for a morning of fun. Joan gave some educational classes durning the clinic on germs and clean hands.
There were many sad situations such as a young women brought in a 5 month old whose parents were killed in the earthquake. Another grandma brought her grandaughter because her daughter had died. This baby was severly malnurished inspite of grandmas tender care. We gave them items such as formula, blanket, cereal and love.
I took a little tour into the nannies kitchen to see what was cooking. They were so proud of their stove and the meal that they were preparing. They were so excited to pose for their picture. Tomorrow they will be cooking lunch for us-- Haitian beans & rice.
We headed up into the mountains in the afternoon. The view is very different up there with less distruction and a lot of green mountains with farm fields. We enjoyed the cooler weather and diet coke. Once we were finished eating we went to tackle the venders. Oh my favorite sport! "Oh my friend, my friend." I did teach the team how to shop out of the van window as we were leaving to get the best deal
Robinson stopped by to visit us for dinner. We are all very tired tonight inspite of having a shorter day. Shopping can be exhausting you know. On the way home there were many pictures left in our mind. The beautiful mountains, the few stocks of corn trying to grow in any small piece of open groung on the side of the mountain, but the thing that sticks to my mind is the piles of cement that were once a home. It is hard to think about the people digging on the top of the mounts of rubble all by themselves. We just assume they are looking for their love ones or any part of their life smashed under the rocks. Will they ever get to the bottom? No, I doubt it. In spite of all of the sadness there is continuous joy in the strength of the Haitians. We had a few games of Euchre tonight, great devotions by Linda and Zac practicing some new procedures he has learned today. There were many screams from fighting cats several times tonight. Of course the screams came from me. Nancy fell onto Linda for protection but she states she tripped. I think Zac believes that he has 9 mothers here looking over him. Aunt Susan you have nothing to worry about. Everyone is washed out and in bed. Feme Luminair (shut off the lights)

1 comment:

angela said...

love those faces! thanks for posting!