Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Home Again

Forgive me for not posting sooner, but when the team left for the United States, I went to stay at Three Angels for a couple of days to take care of some business. The internet was not working over the weekend. We are all home safely now with even more interesting stories . . .
The team got to the airport without any problems and checked in easily. The flight out of Haiti was delayed and they arrived in Miami at 5:30 pm (2 hours later than scheduled) and the next flight for the Michiganders was at 7:20. For those of you that have flown international, you all may be thinking “uh-oh” as it can take quite some time to get through customs! All the Michigan people except one made it to the flight (one made it after the door to the plane was closed)! Lu got stuck in customs and ended up being flown to Dallas for the night then to Detroit the next morning. You’ll have to ask Lu about it because THAT is a story in itself! The other thing about LUANN being the one that got stuck is that she was the only one with the vehicle to get everyone home from Detroit to Midland! Connie’s husband and Kim’s husband ended up giving everyone a ride.
This trip was amazing and it was such a blessing to see people praising God for the services we provided in His name. There is now an eye clinic mission team there. Please pray for His glory to be shown through them.
I am inviting each October team member to write a little something about their trip and email it to me. I will post your comments as part of the blog. I look forward to reading them!
God bless you as you acclimate to life in the U.S. as a changed person for Christ!

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