Wednesday, October 29, 2008

From Michelle (double L)

I cannot believe how blessed my trip to Haiti was. Before the trip I thought I was going to help the people of Haiti. After the trip I realize that I received so much more than I gave! I learned that when you let God have his way with you, great things happen. With the help of God and my amazing team members, I was able to "step out of my boat" and accomplish some things I never thought possible. My faith has been deepened and I am now on an incredible spiritual journey. While I have always been appreciative of the blessings in my life, they are now even more precious to me.
The team that was brought together for this trip couldn't have been better! The laughs we enjoyed made the trip so much fun - Amy, your stories were priceless and Lu, who could ever forget your laugh? We had THE BEST team leader, Lynda. Thank you for taking such good care of us and allowing us to feel so safe.

I will never forget this beautiful journey. I met some very special Haitians and they will forever hold a special place in my heart (espcially one L:) I thank God that I was called on this trip and was allowed this special opportunity.

Blessings to all of my new friends, and may we continue to stay in touch.

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