Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rocking at Port Au Prince Fellowship

Our morning started on the roof with actually a chilly breeze. We were off to Port Au Prince Fellowship to get our bounce on. We were blessed with Troy Livsay giving the message. We were reminded to leave our worries to God and he will take care of them.

We had wonderful team work in the afternoon unpacking all of our bags. We packaged up medications, our goodie bags and planned out the week. Thank you to Linda's bible study team who sewed many goodie bags. Melinda brought many items for our bags such as shampoo, soap and tooth paste. We had a special visitor Aliston who help count out meds and taught some creole.

Devotion was lead by Linda and we spoke about stepping out of the boat in many parts of our lives. Tomorrow we have plans to use one of the Proclaimers which is an audio bible in creole while our patients are waiting to be see. Melinda will be teaching classes on handwashing and brushing your teeth and handing out the great items that we have received. Jennifer's pharmacy is ready for business. Kate has been trained to dip her urine and run her lab tests, Kevin and Chris are ready to see patients, Linda our gopher will be assisting the providers and helping with classes. Deb will be helping with nursing duties and where needed. Sound like a plan? Nothing goes as planned in Haiti.......We will keep you posted.

Once again the old ladies are awake blogging and the younsters are in bed. Whats up with that?


Anonymous said...

Love the hand-me-down "Stepping out of the boat" devotion(thanks Laurie)! Thought I would mention that Josephine and a few MSUCOMers will be flying in next weekend to help our friend Kyle at his clinic in the mountains - so you might bump into them at the airport on your way out. Prayers for a minimally chaotic day of clinic tomorrow/today :-)

South Going Zac said...

Hello!I saw that you are in HAITI and I enjoy looking at all the photos as I study for my spanish class. I hope every one has a great time down there.
-Zac-Jack-Kyle-Josh :) i still have my bracelet! ha

South Going Zac said...

I noticed this too...

"Once again the OLD ladies are awake blogging and the younsters are in bed. Whats up with that?"

... I believe you should change the "o" word to "mature" before someones clothes may end up missing (in bath tub) or everyones pillows are gone.

Joan McMahon said...

My love and prayers are with you as you begin your clinic.


Joni said...

to belong to JESUS is to embrace the nations with HIM...all of these pictures show you all doing this so beautifully...praise GOD! praying daily for you. my mom is one of the "mature" ones and boy doesn't she look good...oh and by the way good luck keeping you with her :) mom- had to laugh at the backpack full of diet coke...we trained you well...hugs! joni

Tammie Swinson said...

So glad to hear that everyone made it there safely. You are in my prayers this week as you begin your work.

Love seeing those nightly blogs and pics! Keep up the great work!!

Gretta said...

So glad everyone is doing well. You "old gals" keep going. I know Linda too well to think she would be any different. Love to all of you and I pray God keeps you safe. Gretta

Joni said...

Hi Grammy! Looks like fun! Guess what?.....I GOT THE PART IN THE PLAY! Looks like you will be coming to my house!!!!!!!!!!! I am Kate, one of the orphans in Annie Jr. The dates are April 28 & 29.

(U U)
Here is a bunny because some bunny loves you! oxoxo Livy-lou